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Should you share photos of your kids on Facebook?

According to 'Sensible Sharing' a report by Parent Zone, the average parent shares a staggering 1,500 images of their child before they turn 5 years old. The fact that control over their digital footprint has been taken away often before they can even lift their own head could lead to worrying future consequences. Yet over half of parents in the study claimed they had no concerns over any possible repercussions. And previous research has found up to 92% of 2-year-olds in the U.S....

AI and claims management: what really matters? | Tractable

AI and claims management: what really matters? Artificial intelligence has come a long way since the term was first coined in 1955, it’s now well established in our day to day lives. Despite this, the public’s understanding of what it is is actually pretty limited. In 2019, a survey of over 66,800 people found that while 52% consider themselves to have ‘some knowledge’ of AI, only 10% consider themselves well educated on the matter. The study by the Mozilla Foundation showed that a lack of kno

13 things to pack for a chemotherapy session

Finding out you need chemotherapy can be an incredibly emotional and challenging experience. The big questions like 'How will this affect me long term?' are hard enough, without having to worry about the small things like what to bring to the sessions themselves. Fiona Charman is a Clinical Nurse Specialist for Head and Neck Cancer at St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and has created a helpful list of things to bring to hospital so you feel as prepared and comfortable as poss...

7 myths you need to stop believing about schizophrenia

By Izzy Capelin Schizophrenia is perhaps one of the most misunderstood mental illnesses out there, largely due to misrepresentation in TV and film and sadly, the World Health Organisation estimates that half of people living with schizophrenia won't receive any care for the condition. We spoke to Rethink Mental Illness to help uncover thetruth about schizophrenia. 1: Schizophrenia is very rare Schizophrenia is more common than people think, affecting about 1 in every 100 people, equating to rou...
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